Cyclone Preparedness


When it comes to extreme weather events in Queensland, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’, and this year we are expecting an average cyclone season. The average number of tropical cyclones for our region is 4, and around one of these makes landfall each year (on average). So this means that there is a 50% chance we may experience more than 4 cyclones this year, and a 50% chance that we will experience less. St Mary’s Catholic College is currently undertaking steps to prepare for the upcoming cyclone season, including ensuring contacts are up to date and accurate, to assist in communications in the event of a severe weather event. We may be in contact to confirm details.

Whilst these events can always be distressing, as Queenslanders we always show a strong resilience and community spirit, and through this, we always get through. If our school is affected by a cyclone, storm surge or other event, we will keep you apprised of the school’s situation through SMS, and Email in line with state and local emergency advice.

Whilst these events can always be distressing, as Queenslanders we always show a strong resilience and community spirit, and through this, we always get through. If our school is affected by a cyclone, storm surge or other event, we will keep you apprised of the school’s situation through SMS and Email, in line with state and local emergency advice.

We can’t control or prevent these events, but we can be prepared. We recommend that every family gets prepared by following these resources:


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53 Anderson Road, Woree, QLD 4870
(07) 4044 4200 | Email Enquiry